Bowling Ball Track Explained

Bowling has actually existed as a game in different countries since ancient times, and by reviewing the history of bowling, we will find out when and where bowling has become an official sport.

The weight of bowling balls is calculated in pounds. Do not look at the color of bowling balls, they are heavy. 배트맨토토 모바일 From 6 pounds to 16 pounds. Each pound is 450 grams. On this account, the lightest bowling ball weighs 2 kilos and 700 grams. So be aware that bowing is not a weak or injured hand.

Everyone should pay attention to two points when choosing a bowling ball, the weight of the ball and the size of the fingertips. You have to choose the bowling ball that you can throw.  The size of your finger should also fit into these three holes on the bowling ball to control it. The top layer of the bowling ball is polyethylene. In the center of the bowling ball is a cylindrical shape with a gypsum-like material with a number of appendages that help the bowling ball rotate and also determine its direction.

Ordinary and amateur bowling balls, which are more for fun, are called house balls. They give it to you when you go to a bowling alley. The price of these bowling balls is around 15 to 20 thousand tomans. The story of professional bowling balls is a little different. Each bowling player has his own personal ball. And for a professional bowling ball, they pay between 300 and 600 thousand tomans.

Your ball track is easy to watch when you know what to look for, especially when racing on icy roads. After your ball bounces back in the ball, look for the ring or oil ring on the ball. That is your song. It is the part of the ball that actually touches the path traveling towards the needle.


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