Definition and Explanation Of End Zone

In football, the phrase last zone refers to the 10th section that crosses the width of the field at the end of the playing field.

Players who possess football have a collision score when the ball crosses the line and enters the final zone. 토토 This is a new law. In the past, players themselves had to scatter planes into the final zone to win prizes.

Now it's a ball and there is no need for the player with the ball to cross the plane.This is why you see NFL players today extend their hands to get the ball across the plane. They can be overdone, but as long as the ball crosses the plane on the field, six points are awarded.

End regional controversy

That may seem simple, but there is a lot of controversy surrounding the latter area.A new controversy in the NFL erupted during the 2015 Seattle Seahawks  Detroit Lions regular season. The Lions were formed at the end of the year, the fourth quarter back against the Seahawks, and driving towards the last Seattle area.

Seattle led by three and the lions were driven for a touch. Calvin Johnson, who scored the most Lions when he scored for Seattle's defense and safety, snapped the ball near the end of the pitch.

At that point, if the Lions had restored the football, it would have been a collision that ended the comeback.But Seattle striker KJ Wright intentionally kicked the ball out of the back of the final zone to prevent a possible collision by Detroit.

Deliberately taking the ball off the court is a violation of the rules, but the referee, especially Judge Graves Wilson, believes that playing with Wright is not permanent.No penalties were called and a touchdown was called giving the Seahawks the ball on their own 20-meter line. From there, they can easily run fast and avoid disappointment.

However, the replay indicated that Wright had intentionally thrown the ball out of the final zone. An appropriate call will be given to Lit, who belongs to the ball at the point of failure. They will be relegated for the first time because the offensive team is offered first, if the defender is convicted of a foul and there is a high chance they will score points from that position.

The downfall was that Wright admitted after the match that he intentionally knocked the ball.


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